I have a couple of ideas, one is a profound one line answer Lymond gave in a conversation to Graham Reid Mallet. I thought of it because it is in a way advent related. The other is funny.

Lymond: "Would you fight to cleanse the Quaran from the earth if the reward for death were the torments of hell?"
Graham: "For those that follow me, that they may taste heaven. I would fight as I mean to fight; and suffer as I should be made to suffer. No man could do more."
"One man did not do as much", said Lymond tranquilly.

Comments such as this illustrate to me the depths of Lymond's character and the profound wisdom and perspective found in DD's writing.

The second one, is from DK when Buccleuch is talking about Sybilla setting up Signora Donati with Peter Cranston as vengence for her comments about Richard and Lymond being unalike.

"Aye she's after him like a deer at the rut, said Buccleuch satisfied. Takes a glass of wine when riding near with dear Joletta and lights enough candles on her hocks tae warm the cockles of his bead clicking heart. He's daft, she's dafter and isna Sybilla a wee love o'a bitch."
"You say the nicest things about my mother, said Lymond"

I love Buchleuch he is one of my favourite characters.
Liz, Australia